This week, of course is the Edison Chen 陳冠希 testify on court and Gillian Low back to the entertainment sector again soon. Then is Rihanna kena beaten. Then is a very unlucky teacher in Singapore being jailed for underage sex with a boy. But before everything, please.... take a look at these...
!!!!!! See how I was tricked by a travel agency. So please take this in mind if you are going to NATAS fair this weekend. Then is a reader send me his unpleasant experience with his property agent. To add on, there is this future MRT map of Singapore, you will know where to buy a house, or how much your house will worth in the future.
After a year or so, finally Edison Chen comes to court and testify, lets see what he says:
- 陳冠希不知刪除照片可還原
- 40張是相片中的女子自行拍攝,將光碟給他
- 相片是在「沒有強迫、經過兩個成年人同意」的情況下拍攝的
- 相中的女主角們只看過自己的相片,沒有看過他女子的相片
- 4 girls are identified (everyone also can identify lah): Cecilia Pak-Chi Cheung 張柏芝, Gillian Yan-Tung Chung 鍾欣桐, Bo Bo Man-Wun Chan 陳文媛 , Rachel Sze-Wing Ngan 顏思穎
Looks like he still doing good with many body guards around. And there is someone ask for his signature: 一名男子帶著陳冠希的大海報及音樂CD,與一眾傳媒在法院門口等候,聲稱要請陳冠希簽名。 不過他並不承認自己是陳冠希的「Fans」,僅強調是來索取簽名,並不算支持陳冠希。But I am sure 陳冠希 is the idols of many guys! Many will envy his luck and experience with so many beautiful and famous actress.
A full collections of photos can be found at:
Next is Rihanna being beaten's photo is exposed. Can you recognize the roman number tattoo on her left shoulder? That is really suck.... how can a guy beat a girl in this way?
Back to Singapore, female ex-teacher gets 10 months' jail for having sex with student who was 15 years old. Oh my godness, as the judge said the case involved a "serious breach of trust", however, I think she is the victim as well. Don't the judge know how "advanced" is the thinking of teenagers nowsaday? And I am sure the student is not RUGI. So how can punish the teacher in this way???
Maybe the judge should read this survey of Hong Kong teens (refer to the site for full statistic):
10% change partner 5 times a year.
70% can accept to have sex with age below 16.
So do you still think the teacher is in wrong? I don't think so. Or at least she is not the only one wrong.
Luckily the husband says he won't divorce wife who slept with teen. In her husband's heart, however, it is a personal betrayal. She is his wife. She is the mother of their two children. She is the woman he has known since the time they were both in school. But love and responsibility proved to be stronger than hurt and betrayal. But not sure in the future........ especially when her kids grow up.
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